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founded by Mikao Usui

Just For Today


I will let go of anger

I will let go of worry

I will honor my parents, teacher and elders

I will do my work with diligience and grace

I will practice kindness to myself and others

I will show gratitude to every living being 




Reiki is an empowered spiritual healing art modality that promotes balance and well-being in the whole self- mind, body and soul. 


This comprehensive, yet simple healing modality is based upon the principle that healing & wellness are available to us all. 


Potential Benefits of Reiki

~Promotes Relaxation|Release|Renewal

~Assists the body's natural healing process

~Relieves stress: physical, mental + emotional

~Supports personal growth + compassion for self + others 


Beyond the benefits or receiving Reiki treatment {a gentle, yet powerful experience where the client lays comfortably, fully clothed on a massage table} becoming a Reiki Practitioner supports your wellness journey and makes a  beautiful complementary modality for those in the health + wellness industry as well as to share within your families and communities. 


​Reiki knows no discrimination, and is for everyone


Reiki is NOT~

- Affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice
-A substitute for qualified medical care





​As a devoted Reiki practitioner/student for nearly two decades, Lauren is an inspired & skilled teacher. Her Reiki trainings empower students to take healing in to their own hands and incorporate teachings on meditation & mindfulness, grounding techniques, the nature of intent & ethics while honoring lineage and the origins of this heart-opening practice.


Lauren offers private Reiki treatments, Reiki 1 & 2 trainings on a regular schedule as well as continued education courses & workshops for the dedicated practitioner. 

Preparing for Initiation 

"Reiki is love. Love is wholeness. Wholeness is balance. Balance is well~being. Well~being is freedom from dis~ease."

~Mikao Usui 



Reiki is a gentle and loving modality. Rest, nutrition and grounding practices are wonderful allies in preparation for initiation. If you are able, please take some time each day between now and the day of class to meditate. This can be as simple as a few conscious breaths/setting intentions/gratitude/reviewing the Reiki Principles.  


When possible, please avoid caffeine, sugar & alcohol, especially the day before/day of.  


Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest. 



Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a journal should you wish to take notes. We will have a break during the workshop to eat & reflect. You are welcome to bring something to eat, or leave to get something. 



Please bring something to bless our altar for the day. Something that connects you to the energy of healing-compassion-kindness-gratitude. Perhaps a natural element, stone, diety, photograph- anything that speaks to your heart. Your spirit is such a beautiful part of the offering and experience we will be creating together, the most important thing is to just show up! 



Thank you for making the choice to open your heart to Reiki. Should you have any questions, please contact me. 



Kind words from students

"The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind."


Reiki 1 was life changing! Thank you for your wisdom and openness and love. Your ability to teach is such a gift.



I would highly recommend Lauren as teacher, spiritual healer, and friend... I absolutely loved attending her Reiki I workshop and look forward to attending future workshops and classes with her... beautiful experience.



I took your Reiki 1 training and LOVED it!!! So powerful and emotional all at once. I love the way you introduce the history of Reiki and then the hands on practice. I have been using it practically every single day for self care. I love taking control of my own health and wellness. Highly recommend Lauren!!!!



Lauren is an amazing and gifted healer! She has such a nurturing heart and her classes have such a magical grace and flow. I highly recommend taking her Reiki certification classes if you feel called.



I learned a lot of great information in a safe space. Lauren is very knowledgeable, as well as humble.



Thank you for all of this Lauren! Thanks to your space and guidance, Reiki has become like a friend in my life I can always turn to. 



Thank you Lauren, for sharing the rich and ancient wisdom of Reiki healing tradition . Your passion for this practice created such an authentic delivery. 


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